As we've started arranging our Costa Rica trip, we've told Maya about some of the things we'll do there, how Santa will come all the way to Costa Rica to deliver her Christmas presents, that we'll celebrate Dad's birthday in Costa Rica, etc. And as a result, we've successfully gotten Maya excited about our trip. Problem is, now it's all she talks about.
For example, we told Maya that by the time we go to Costa Rica, she'll be 3 years old (she's currently 2 1/2). For a while she kept repeating this idea: "I go to Costa Rica, I be 3 years old." But it's morphed into the following:
Some soon-to-be-confused adult: "Maya, how old are you?"
Maya: "I go to Costa Rica"
Sensing that the next 6 months are going to be very long unless we dial back the Costa Rica talk, Chris and I have started referring to our upcoming trip as "CR." I give Maya about 3 weeks before she figures out what that means.
However, our CR talk will probably taper off a bit now. We've booked our flights, arranged to rent a house for a week on the beach and a hotel room for a few nights near the Arenal Volcano. Now all that's left to do is plan our inter-country travel and tours. CR is well-known for its abundance of outdoorsy activities: hiking, zip-lining, mountain biking, deep-sea fishing, and the like. But I'm not sure what kind of activities can be done with a 3 year old and 8 month old in tow. Just one more thing to research — quietly, so as not to excite the Maya.