Monday, August 26, 2013

Vegas, babies

So, I'm trailing about 8 months behind on posts. But it's hard to keep up when our little family is constantly on the move. So far 2013 has brought us to quite a few places in the States — some new destinations for the girls, and some revisited.

The year began with us in the air, returning from Costa Rica. And although we probably needed to keep our feet on the ground for a good, long stretch, we only stayed put for about three weeks. Then it was off to the most logical, mid-January family destination: Las Vegas.

My girls are high rollers.

The truth is, the stars aligned in such a way that we just had to visit LV. I was traveling there for work (i.e. free flight) the very same week Chris' dad was traveling there for work. Add in dad's ability to get us a free room, and my inability to ever say no to Vegas, and there you have it: Six Wunders in the middle of the desert.

This was actually Maya's second trip to the Sin City. She went once with Chris (again, to meet up with family) when she was about a year and a half old. On that trip, the spirit of the city most have gotten to her because she had the most Vegas of experiences: public nudity.

(Apparently, her diaper fell off while she was wearing a dress. So, she lifted up her dress and ran around showing everyone what had happened.)

On this second trip, we all managed to keep our clothes on in public. We spent most of our time there at an off-strip hotel that included, among other amenities, a movie theater, an arcade, a bowling alley, and lots and lots of unhealthy food options. So, we made sure to let the girls indulge in (almost) all the gluttony that is Las Vegas:

Dude, no embarrassing photos, please.

If you can't drink while bowling, have a donut.

Mmrrrrawww, I totally won't regret this tomorrow!

She was too hopped up on donut to realize we never put in any quarters.

Oh god, how much did I consume last night?

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